Acceptance Device

Contact Kernel Approval Process


Downloads & signs registration form to receive a contract and registration number.


Selects a laboratory & declares the product. Completes a conformance statement.

Step 3 LAB

Tests the product and submits a test report to product provider.

Step 4 EMVCo

Evaluates the test reports and issues a 4-year Letter of Approval (LOA).

Process Summary

1 of 4 Step 1


The Product Provider shall fill out the Registration form. Once EMVCo reviews and accepts the form, the Product Provider will receive a contract. Once the contract is signed, EMVCo will assign a product provider registration number. Registration is a one-time process.


There are currently no prerequisites to completing the Contact Application Kernel approval process.

Fee Structure

For each submission of a Kernel product for approval (either for a new product, a renewal or update), specific fees shall be paid to EMVCo, as detailed in TTA Bulletin 185. Additional information on fees may be found in the Kernel Administrative Process.

Note: EMVCo Accredited Laboratories will have a fee structure for laboratory testing services. EMVCo is not responsible for laboratory testing fees.

Obtain the contact application kernel approval fees