Acceptance Device

Contactless Product Approval Process


Downloads & signs registration form to receive a contract and registration number.


Selects a laboratory & declares the product. Completes a conformance statement.


Selects an EMVCo qualified auditor to validate the modular architecture (conditional).

Step 4 LAB

Tests the product and submits a test report to the product provider.

Step 5 EMVCo

Evaluates the test reports and issues a 3-year Letter of Approval (LOA) for conforming products.

Process Summary

This summary describes the standard process for the approval of a new contactless product with or without Modular Architecture. Specific processes may apply for a product change, a derivative product submission, or a product renewal. These processes are described in the administrative process

1 of 5 Step 1 Registration

The Product Provider shall fill out the Registration form. Once EMVCo reviews and accepts the form, the product provider will receive a contract. Once the contract is signed, EMVCo will assign a product provider registration number. Registration is a one-time process.

2 of 5 Step 2 Product Declaration

The Product Provider shall select a Laboratory and execute bilateral, required agreements and contracts. The Product Provider shall complete the relevant(s) Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) document in which it provides detailed information about the Product and supported features:

  • For the approval of a C-8 standalone product, only the Contactless Kernel 8 ICS must be submitted
  • Otherwise, the Product Provider shall submit the Contactless Product ICS and Contactless Kernel ICS form(s) for each implemented kernel
3 of 5 Step 3 (Conditional): Modular Architecture Validation

In the event that the Contactless Products architecture complies with the EMVCo Modular Architecture Requirements, the Product Provider shall submit its Modular Architecture to an EMVCo Compliance Auditor for a compliance audit. The Auditor will validate the Modular Architecture and submit the audit report to EMVCo for verification.

4 of 5 Step 4 Product Validation

Once EMVCo has accepted the ICS, the laboratory performs product testing. The Test Plan for the Books A&B can be found below. The Test Plans related to the Books C-2 to C-7 are managed by the related payment schemes. The Test Plans and Testing Environment related to the Book C-8 can be found below. The test results are documented in test reports that the laboratory submits to the Product Provider.

5 of 5 Step 5 Product Approval

Upon receipt of the test reports from the Labratory, the Product Provider decides if it will submit the product to EMVCo for Approval. Assuming so, the product provider shall complete the appropriate Request for Approval form and ask the labratory to send the test reports to EMVCo. EMVCo will grant a Letter of Approval (LOA) when a test report demonstrates sufficient product conformance. Applicable fees must be paid before the LOA is granted.


The Contactless Product approval requires the successful validation of the PCD, Entry Point (Books A&B) and minimum one kernel (Book C-x).

Fee Structure

For each submission of a Contactless product for approval (either for a new product, a renewal or update), specific fees shall be paid to EMVCo, as TTA detailed in Bulletin 185. Additional information on fees may be found in the Contactless Administrative Process.

Note: EMVCo Accredited Laboratories will have a fee structure for laboratory testing services. EMVCo is not responsible for laboratory testing fees.

Obtain the contactless product approval fees