Token Service Provider Registration Programme

EMVCo has established a Token Service Provider Code (“TSP Code”), which is a 3 digit code assigned to Token Service Provider (“TSP”) and maintained by EMVCo. The TSP Code is included in the Token Requester ID, which uniquely identifies the pairing of Token Requester with the Token Service Provider. This helps achieve transparency of the entity that provided the Payment Token. As long as the TSP Code is issued by EMVCo to Service Provider and the registration has not expired, Service Provider may state to third parties that the TSP Code is “registered” with EMVCo for Service Provider’s TSP Service. Issuance of a TSP Code alone is not sufficient for a Service Provider to provide its TSP Service. The Service Provider should to work with Card Issuers and potentially Payment Networks to ascertain additional program and participation requirements. EMVCo does not evaluate, approve or otherwise endorse TSPs. EMVCo solely maintains a list of TSP Codes.

See Registered Token Service Providers

Complete the registration form and agreement.

Step 2 EMVCo

Countersign agreement.

Step 3 EMVCo

Requests additional information (if needed).

Step 4 EMVCo

Approve or reject the registration request.

Step 5 EMVCo

Invoice applicant.


Pay invoice.

Step 7 EMVCo

ID registration issued.

1 of 7 Step 1

Complete Registration Form and Agreement

TSP Code Applicant completes EMVCo Token Service Provider Code Registration Request Form and signs the EMVCo Token Service Provider Code Registration Agreement.

2 of 7 Step 2

Agreement Countersigned

EMVCo countersigns the TSP Code Registration Agreement and a copy is sent to the Applicant, which includes the EMVCo TSP Code Registration Request Form.

3 of 7 Step 3

Additional Information

EMVCo reviews the EMVCo Token Service Provider Code Registration Request Form and requests any additional information (if required).

4 of 7 Step 4

Approve / Reject

At the end of the review, EMVCo will approve or reject the registration request.

5 of 7 Step 5


If approved, EMVCo invoices the TSP Code Applicant.

6 of 7 Step 6


The Applicant must pay the invoice in full.

7 of 7 Step 7

ID Registration Issuance

Upon payment of the invoice, EMVCo issues a Letter of Registration, which includes a TSP Code that is listed on the EMVCo website.


A TSP Code Applicant is a company, representative organisation (national or regional), or a significant division of a parent company, which must:

Be engaged in, or demonstrating intent to be engaged in, a Token Programme or EMV Payment Tokenisation services relating to the role of a TSP as described in the Tokenisation Specification.

Have a financial or contractual obligation related to the support of EMV Payment Tokenisation as described in the Tokenisation Specification and has a service planned for commercial availability that is awaiting a TSP Code to make the service available to provide EMV Payment Tokens to registered Token Requestors (“TSP Service”).

Fee Structure

Registration Fees are charged by EMVCo to cover the administrative expense incurred by EMVCo in managing the TSP Code registration process. This process includes, but is not limited to:

Review of registration and TSP Code Applicant submission
Publication of the TSP Code list
Maintenance of the TSP Code list
Management of the TSP Code registration process and enquiries
Updates to the TSP Code registration process

The following initial registration fee shall be paid to EMVCo by the TSP Code Applicant:

$11,500 (eleven thousand five hundred USD) for approving the initial application, issuing the TSP Code and for the first year of registration. The fee is non-refundable except in limited circumstances.

The following annual renewal fee shall be paid to EMVCo by the Registrant:

$2,850 (two thousand eight hundred fifty USD) for renewal of the assigned TSP Code effective one year from the date of registration in the Token Service Provider Code Letter of Registration and then on the same date each calendar year.