Transit Operator ID (in POI Information)

A Transit Operator ID (in POI Information) is an ID assigned to a defined entity and maintained by EMVCo. The request for obtaining an ID allocated by EMVCo shall meet the following criteria: Registrant is a transit operator that is engaged in, or demonstrates intent to be engaged in, the acceptance of EMV® contactless payment transactions and has a legitimate need to use an ID consistent with EMV® Specification Bulletin No. 299.

See Registered Transit Operator ID Providers

Complete the registration form and agreement.

Step 2 EMVCo

Countersign agreement.

Step 3 EMVCo

Requests additional information (if needed).

Step 4 EMVCo

Approve or reject the registration request.

Step 5 EMVCo

Invoice applicant.


Pay invoice.

Step 7 EMVCo

ID registration issued.

1 of 7 Step 1

Complete Registration Form and Agreement

Transit Operator Applicant completes EMVCo POI Information ID for Transit Operators Registration Request Form and signs the EMVCo POI Information Identifier for Transit Operators Registration Agreement.

2 of 7 Step 2

Agreement Countersigned

EMVCo countersigns the EMVCo POI Information Identifier for Transit Operators Registration Agreement and a copy is sent to the Applicant, which includes the EMVCo Transit Operator ID for Transit Operators Registration Request Form.

3 of 7 Step 3

Additional Information

EMVCo reviews the EMVCo POI Information ID for Transit Operators Registration Request Form and requests any additional information (if required).

4 of 7 Step 4

Approve / Reject

At the end of the review, EMVCo will approve or reject the registration request.

5 of 7 Step 5


If approved, EMVCo invoices the Transit Operator Applicant.

6 of 7 Step 6


The Applicant must pay the invoice in full.

7 of 7 Step 7

ID Registration Issuance

Upon payment of the invoice, EMVCo issues a Letter of Registration, which includes a Transit Operator ID (in POI Information) that is listed on the EMVCo website.


The request for obtaining an ID allocated by EMVCo shall meet the following criteria:

Registrant is a transit operator that is engaged in, or demonstrates intent to be engaged in, the acceptance of EMV® contactless payment transactions and has a legitimate need to use an ID consistent with EMV® Specification Bulletin No. 299. For purposes of this registration process, a transit operator is an entity that operates a public or quasi-public transportation system that utilizes contactless payment terminals to enable payment for transportation from one designated place to another, such as a bus, train, tram, rapid transit, or ferry system. Private, semi-private, rideshare, air transportation, and vehicle rental operators are not eligible for an ID.

Fee Structure

The Registration Fee charged by EMVCo is intended to cover the administrative expense incurred by EMVCo in managing the ID registration process. This process includes, but is not limited to:

  • Review of registration and ID Registrant criteria;
  • Updates to th ID registration process;
  • Maintenance of the ID list; and
  • Publication of the current ID list.

The following fees shall be paid to EMVCo by the ID Registrant:

  • $2,875 (Two Thousand eight hundred seventy-five USD) as a one-time registration fee for issuing the ID, payable to EMVCo prior to review of the application. An ID will not be provided until the registration fee has been paid. The one-time registration fee is non-refundable except in limited circumstances as described in the Agreement.
  • $900 (Nine hundred USD) as a name change fee if the transit operator requests that EMVCo change the transit operator entity name associated with the ID. Such name change fee is payable to EMVCo at the time of the name change request and the transit operator entity name will not be updated until the name change fee has been paid. A name change fee must be paid by the transit operator each time it submits a request for a name change. The name change fee is non-refundable.

Note: Payers are responsible for any bank charges associated with remittance. Each registrant must work with its bank to ensure that EMVCo receives the full amount of the fee.