Business Overview

Recurring payments involve Cardholders granting permission for Merchants to automatically charge their payment cards to cover subscription-type agreements, providing peace of mind for Cardholders and an easier collection process for Merchants. There are many types of recurring payments, depending on whether the amount and the frequency are fixed. For example, the frequency can be predefined, such as each week, month or year or can be non-fixed and triggered by a specific usage event (for example, when the balance on a prepaid card falls below $5, reload with $20. The amount can also be fixed (for example, “reload by $20” in the previous example) or variable – when the amount itself is dependent on usage (for example, a utility bill). Fixed amount does not necessarily mean fixed frequency, and vice versa. The use case determines the parameters of the recurring or instalment payment.

An instalment payment is a payment made over time according to a pre-agreed schedule for goods and services that have been fully delivered or performed. Instalment transactions are explained in more detail in Use Case 7: Instalment Payment.

Merchants enjoy several advantages with recurring and instalment payments. They experience fewer late payments, as the automated system ensures that payments are collected on time. This contributes to consistent cash flow and peace of mind. Recurring and instalment payments also save time and resources for Merchants, as they eliminate the need for manual invoicing and payment collection. Additionally, Merchants can build better customer relationships by offering the convenience of recurring and instalment payments. Cardholders appreciate not having to remember to make additional payments or re-enter payment information, which results in greater satisfaction and loyalty.

Good communication between the Merchant, the Cardholder and the ACS/Issuer is essential during the set-up of a recurring and instalment transactions to prevent dispute or declined transactions. The 3DS Specification enables the Merchant to provide detailed information on recurring and instalment transactions using the data elements available in the 3DS protocol.

Benefits by actor

  • May help in solving disputes with Cardholders as to whether the recurring or instalment payment was put in place
  • Leverage a single authentication to set up a recurring or instalment transaction at the same time as a purchase
  • Receive detailed information about the recurring or instalment transaction to make it clear an agreement is entered into.
  • Enjoy the convenience of using a recurring or instalment transaction rather than initiating multiple transactions.
  • Receive detailed information about the recurring or instalment transaction before proceeding with the transaction.